Author: David Robinson
After moving to Fort Mill, SC from Missouri, I sat in our apartment one day and wondered, Why am I here? Do I understand God’s plan for me and what I am to do? Did I hear right from God? From my experience, questions like these tend to follow a huge life change, like switching career paths or moving across the country. As I pondered these questions, I replayed the different adventures the Father has sent me on during my life. I remembered the crossroads that I faced—the places where I wasn’t really sure which way to go—and the times I questioned God.
Many of you have likely been in that place before. Maybe you’re in that place right now. You felt you heard from the Father that you are walking in obedience, and then all of a sudden things just don’t feel or seem right.
I have stepped out in faith many times in my life, even when it made no sense at all to anyone else. I have walked away from what the world would call success to follow Yahweh and what I saw to be His plan for my family. He has given me His word to lean on—the promises He has for those who are obedient and call upon his name. If you find yourself facing a decision that will drastically change your life, and you feel the Father is calling you to that decision, know that His plan is for your good:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Each time in my life that I have gone against the wisdom of man and followed God in faith, He has prospered me. But I’ve also faced hardship during times of being obedient. At times, I can honestly say that I thought calamity was what He was giving me. However, the calamity was only temporary. It brought about a stronger faith, a stronger dependency on Him. And as soon as the hardship passed, I had prospered.
We often think of prosperity as something material. Prosperity from walking in obedience is often the opposite. It is having a deeper relationship with the Creator. It is when the desires of our heart become His desires.
I think it would be safe to say that most of us have prayed at some point, Father, make me more like You. Give me Your heart. Change me. So when you step out in obedience, do not be disappointed if He answers the very thing you have been asking for. There will always be an adversary that will try to rob what God is doing in your life. And the plan to prosper you may look a little different than you thought. But stick to the plan and enjoy the journey!

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